Andrew has worked as a Primary school teacher in a wide range of settings for over 15 years. In this time he has taught the whole age range from Foundation Stage (children aged 4 and 5 years) up to Year 6 (children aged 10 and 11 years). He has had experience of teaching in rural primary schools as well as large Primary, Infant and Junior Schools. Andrew trained as a music specialist and thoroughly enjoys sharing his passion for music with children, parents and carers and other professionals.
Between 2011 and 2014 Andrew was instrumental in organising and directing the Annual Ripon and Rural Learning Partnership Carol Concert. The event involves over 250 children and students aged from 7 to 16 in a fantastic annual concert at Christmas time in Ripon Cathedral. Andrew is delighted to be continually involved in this event rehearsing with each school as well as conducting the final performance. The concert is a big event in the region and the audience includes parents, invited VIP guests, staff and governors.
In the Autumn Term of 2016 Andrew was invited by the Ripon Rural Primary school headteachers to organise and rehearse 200 7 – 10 year old aged children for an Advent Carol Service held in Holy Trinity Church, Ripon. The Carol Service was a great success and he is looking forward to working with more than 200 children again in the Autumn Term of 2017.
Head teacher – Ripon
Sarah – Partnership Manager
Susan – Methodist minister
Lamara – Village Primary Headteacher