1 The Round Hand shape – Every time!
Place your hand over your knee cap
Gently lift your hand off your knee. Keep that hand shape mind!
Place your hand on the keys…
Hey Presto! A Perfect hand shape – every time!
2 The Relaxed Wrist – Keep it flexible!
Place your hand on the keys in the round hand shape
Imagine your wrist is being pulled up gently up by a balloon…
Now let your hand return to your perfect hand shape touching the keys
Try this with each hand
Can you try both hands together?
3 Light Hand Bounce – Can you tap like a Woodpecker?
Put your right hand on the keys in a round hand shape
Make sure your wrist does not sag by perching on your thumb
Lightly tap this rhythm with your fingertips:
Tap, tap, tapping you will see. I am a woodpecker in my tree!
Repeat with your left hand. How about both hands together?
4 Finger Independence – Can each finger move by itself?
On the closed piano lid, play the following finger pattern:
whisper: 1 2 3 4 5 3 1
Try it with your right hand, left hand, how about both hands together